Blockchain is a technology that has only recently found mainstream use in enabling digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Features of decentralization and transparency has attracted many people from outside of the financial world to leverage this technology in their own fields. In the worlds of science, academia, and medicine, blockchain offers the potential to solve the pervasive problems of for-profit publishing, endless grant writing, archaic record keeping, and modernize data management. The application of blockchain within these scientific communities is known as Decentralized Science (DeSci) and the space is undergoing rapid expansion. MD+Blockchain seeks to introduce the next generation of physicians to this technological frontier. Since DeSci is a niche of a niche, one of its main problems is simply exposure. A primary goal of MD+Blockchain is to educate the physician community on the basic mechanisms of blockchain and how it can be applied within both healthcare and biotechnology. We aim to bring in speakers who are shaping the DeSci landscape and hold discussion sessions to foster creativity in this space. Join us in #blockchain!